Spam email from Christine Jones for governor campaign
Posted by
4/25/2014 01:37:00 PM
Posted by
9/12/2008 01:22:00 PM
Labels: crime, law, security, spam, technology
Posted by
8/15/2008 07:12:00 PM
Posted by
7/01/2008 05:00:00 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, climate change, creationism, Dover trial, intelligent design, James Randi, movies, music, science, skepticism, spam, technology, The Amazing Meeting
Posted by
3/01/2008 02:16:00 PM
Labels: civil liberties, law, security, spam, technology
Posted by
2/21/2008 04:01:00 PM
Labels: botnets, InfraGard, security, spam, technology
Posted by
1/22/2008 05:30:00 PM
Labels: copyright, law, religion, Scientology, security, spam, technology
Posted by
1/03/2008 08:52:00 PM
Labels: Arizona, botnets, crime, law, security, spam, technology
Unfortunately, the actions of AiG-US since the ‘Hawaii handshake settlement’ have meant that, barring a near-miraculous change of heart on their part, the situation appears to have broken down once more.The terms of settlement were, in the understanding of all parties present, effectively finalized and agreed upon in Hawaii in mid-August (see two ‘stop press’ announcements below) by duly authorized and empowered representatives of the ministries—even though Ken Ham was not present, although we had been led to believe that he would be.
The only thing left was to discuss the details of how to commit the handshake agreement to writing. Both sides agreed to reconvene in Hawaii 60 days later (at the latest), if absolutely necessary, if we failed to finish the process of committing it to writing.
The page goes on to explain that this has not happened, because AiG waited until after the 60 days was over to respond to CMI's written proposal based on the verbal agreement, and AiG's response was to invent an entirely new agreement which omitted conditions that had been verbally agreed to and inserted new conditions which had not been agreed to.
From: CMI INFObytesIt will be interesting to see if AiG makes any public comment.
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 7:53 AM
Subject: Serious slander issue against CMI
Serious slander issue against CMI
A short time ago, we were in receipt of a very vicious document circulating from a professing Christian ministry (which not many are aware is operated by an unrepentant church excommunicant) that made astonishing allegations against CMI-Australia and in particular its Managing Director, Dr Carl Wieland.
We did not react at the time, because the vendetta has been in operation for some 20 years now, and we assumed that surely people would have sufficient discernment to contact us to check the veracity of these allegations. However, we are concerned that some might think there might be some substance to the allegations, without understanding that they are clearly designed to undermine the confidence of the Christian public, and to thus attack CMI's ability to do outreach.
We have prepared a written response which makes it plain that these are falsehoods, documentable as such by eyewitness testimony. In it we have challenged the perpetrators to 'front up' and make these claims openly in a proper Christian forum, instead of by slanderous gossip techniques.
If you know of any person who has been in receipt of this particular 'spiritual-sounding' slander, or if your church leaders have heard these unfortunate allegations, please encourage them to email us at [mail at creation.NOSPAMinfo -- edited to prevent spam harvesting -jjl] and request our response to the article in question. If after reading that response, they have any further questions, we will be pleased to answer them. It is a real pity that we cannot just continue our ministry in peace and safety without such distractions.
If you are unaware of any such contemplated move against CMI in your circles, please just pray for this situation in general terms. Your ongoing support of the outreach is much appreciated.
Yours in Christ,
Gary Bates
Head of Ministry, CMI-Australia
Posted by
11/15/2007 08:05:00 AM
Labels: Answers in Genesis, Answers in Genesis schism, Creation Ministries International, creationism, religion, spam
When Ron Paul email spam started hitting inboxes in late October, UAB Computer Forensics Director Gary Warner published findings on the spam's textual patterns and the illicit botnet used to spread it -- findings which were picked up by media outlets and tech websites like Salon, Ars Technica, and Wired Magazine's "Threat Level" blog, the latter in a set of followup posts by writer Sarah Stirland: 1, 2, 3.There are definitely a lot of nuts among Ron Paul's supporters. Meanwhile, he raised $3.8 million yesterday (apparently a number revised downward from $4.3 million) in the largest one-day online political fundraiser ever. Intrade currently shows Paul as the third most likely GOP nominee, after Giuliani and Romney.
The Ron Paul fan response was swift and decisive: clearly the botnet was the work of anti-Ron Paul hackers trying to discredit his campaign, and Rudy Giuliani had paid Stirland (and not UAB Computer Forensics) to do a smear piece -- as claimed by a YouTube video pointing to posts on Thus proving, once again, that the Ron Paul campaign's greatest liability is not so much his far-right conspiracy-driven antifederal libertarianism, but rather the spittle-flecked anger of his own noisiest supporters.
Posted by
11/06/2007 07:29:00 AM
Labels: botnets, conspiracy theory, crime, history, law, politics, Ron Paul, security, spam, technology
_James C. Brewer, of Arlington, Texas. He was indicted Tuesday on charges of infecting more than 10,000 computers globally, including two Chicago-area hospitals operated by the Bureau of Health Services in Cook County, Ill. The computers at the two hospitals were linked to the health care bureau's mainframe system. They repeatedly froze or rebooted from October to December last year, resulting in delayed medical services, according to the indictment. Brewer was released on a $4,500 bond, court records show.
_Robert Alan Soloway of Seattle. When he was arrested last month, he was described as one of the world's top spammers for allegedly using botnets to send out millions upon millions of junk e-mails since 2003. Soloway continued his activities even after Microsoft won a $7 million civil judgment against him in 2005 and after Robert Brauer [they mean Braver -jjl], the operator of a small Internet service provider in western Oklahoma, won a $10 million judgment. Soloway has pleaded not guilty to all charges in a 35-count indictment.
_Jason Michael Downey, of Covington, Ky. He was accused in Detroit last month of flooding his botnet-linked computers with spam for an 11-week period in 2004 and causing up to $20,000 in unspecified losses, according to court records.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, and follows on the heels of last year's prosecution of Jeanson James Ancheta of Los Angeles, or "botmaster," as he called himself. Like Brewer, he was prosecuted for the damage he caused to hospital computers, so botherders and spammers should beware of making use of hospital computers for their botnets.
Soloway, who was arrested on May 30 in a bust that already got a lot of press, was probably the biggest fish of these so far. His case follows the historically more common pattern--being tracked down and civilly prosecuted before being criminally charged.
Posted by
6/14/2007 05:52:00 AM
Labels: botnets, law, security, spam, technology
I don’t believe in Heaven but I have a strong faith that there is MySpace in the afterlife and we will all be checking our comments.
May your eternity be free of Macy’s gift-card spam.
Run amok, dear sir.
life is like animal porn ...
Posted by
5/23/2007 08:45:00 AM
Posted by
2/13/2007 08:31:00 AM
Labels: censorship, copyright, economics, security, spam, technology
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:12:22 -0800 (PST)I sent the following reply:
From: John Martin
Subject: Get a life
You are just as bad as the telemarketers that call you.
Just like a scummy attorney that profits from filing
frivolous lawsuits. You raise the cost of doing business
for companies, raise taxes by overburdening the courts,
and therefore raise the cost of goods for consumers in the
What do you care? You made a dollar.
Telemarketing is critical for the economy to function. The
wheels would stop turning if there were no phones or business
conducted on them.
The Federal and State do no call list is just another angle
for the Fed and State to make a buck.
Just ask yourself, why is it legal for politicians to contact
and harass millions of citizens with automated messages and
call people on the so called do not call list? So its OK for
them to fund raise and get re elected (profit) using
unscrupulous methods. But a legitimate business offering
legit goods or services is restricted.
Are there Marketers that take advantage of people yes. Like
any other business there are bad apples. But most offer legit
goods and services.
Does your mailbox get full of junk mail? Do you watch
commercials on TV? or even now at the movies? Why not sue
them? Junk Mail does more damage to the environment than
anything else. But the US post service make money on it so
that will never stop.
Screen you calls, that's what caller id is for, hangup on
automated messages and telemarketers. And stop with the lame
lawsuits. Do you really suffer any damages by listening to a
message or having a dialer hang up on you? Or are you just an
other greedy opportunist like you EVIL telemarketing
counterparts just out for a quick buck?
From: "James J. Lippard" [my email addr]For the record, I don't watch television commercials (thanks, TiVo!) and I'm also very opposed to spam (and much of my professional life in the Internet industry has been devoted to combatting it). We also don't go to see movies in the theater anymore except on rare occasion; we rent DVDs. I'm an advocate of permission-based marketing to individuals, not indiscriminate broadcast advertising.
To: John Martin
Subject: Re: Get a life
In-Reply-To: <>
The difference, John, is that they are knowingly violating
the law, and I'm not. None of my lawsuits have been
frivolous, which is why I have a 100% record of success.
I'm only raising the cost of business for companies that are
blatantly breaking the law; my impact on the courts is
negligible--I always offer to settle out of court for the
minimum statutory amounts before filing a lawsuit, and I
always file in small claims which minimizes the paperwork.
The money I collect is specified as damages in the statutes,
and serves not only to compensate me for the violations but
to act as a deterrent to further violations. It has worked
pretty well--I don't get many such calls any more.
If you think the law is wrong, petition to have it changed.
But if you violate it, be prepared to get sued and to lose.
What's your interest that motivates you to send a nasty email
to someone you don't know? From your email address, I would
guess that you're in the satellite dish resale business,
which is well known for its sleazy violations of
telemarketing law.
Are you a regular violator of the TCPA, John?
BTW, I have a nice life. What kind of life do you have that
you seek enjoyment out of sending such an email as this?
Posted by
1/28/2007 10:27:00 AM
Labels: law, spam, technology, telemarketing
Posted by
1/23/2007 08:05:00 PM
Labels: creationism, psychics, Scientology, security, skepticism, spam, technology, UFOs
Posted by
9/29/2006 07:03:00 AM
Labels: privacy, security, spam, technology
Posted by
6/22/2006 03:57:00 PM
Labels: FCC, law, net neutrality, politics, spam, technology
Posted by
6/12/2006 08:57:00 AM
Posted by
6/11/2006 05:24:00 PM
Labels: economics, FCC, law, net neutrality, politics, spam, technology, telemarketing
Posted by
6/09/2006 09:14:00 PM
Labels: botnets, InfraGard, John McCain, NSA, security, spam, technology