Thursday, June 15, 2023

AI vs. CEOs on Destroying the World

 After seeing a CNN headline "Exclusive: 42% of CEOs say AI could destroy humanity in five to ten years," I thought it was only fair to get an AI opinion in response. Turns out, 50% of AIs consulted said CEOs of large corporations could destroy the world in five to ten years.

Google Bard:

How likely is it that CEOs of large corporations will destroy the world in the next five to ten years?

The likelihood of CEOs of large corporations destroying the world in the next five to ten years is low, but not impossible. The biggest threats to the planet come from climate change, pollution, and resource depletion. These are all problems that are caused by the activities of large corporations, and if they are not addressed, they could lead to catastrophic consequences.

However, there are also many CEOs who are committed to sustainability and environmental protection. These CEOs are working to develop new technologies, products, and practices that will help to reduce our impact on the planet. If these efforts are successful, it is possible to avoid the worst-case scenarios and create a more sustainable future.

Ultimately, the fate of the planet will depend on the actions of both CEOs and consumers. CEOs have the power to make decisions that will have a big impact on the environment. Consumers have the power to choose products and services that are produced in a sustainable way. If we all work together, we can create a future where the planet is healthy and prosperous for all.

Here are some of the things that CEOs can do to help protect the planet:

  • Invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Reduce their reliance on fossil fuels
  • Eliminate waste
  • Protect forests and other natural resources
  • Promote sustainable agriculture
  • Support policies that protect the environment

Here are some of the things that consumers can do to help protect the planet:

  • Choose products and services that are produced in a sustainable way
  • Reduce their consumption of energy and resources
  • Recycle and compost
  • Support sustainable businesses
  • Get involved in environmental activism

By working together, we can create a more sustainable future for the planet.


How likely is it that CEOs of large corporations will destroy the world in the next five to ten years?

It is highly unlikely that CEOs of large corporations will intentionally "destroy the world" in the next five to ten years or at any other time. While it is true that some corporations and business leaders have engaged in unethical practices or made decisions that have had negative consequences for the environment or society, it is important to note that the vast majority of CEOs strive to run their companies responsibly and ethically.

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on corporate social responsibility and sustainability, with many companies adopting measures to reduce their environmental impact and contribute positively to society. Additionally, regulatory bodies and public scrutiny play a role in holding corporations accountable for their actions.

It is essential to encourage responsible business practices, promote transparency, and hold corporations accountable for any harmful actions. However, it is overly simplistic and unfair to attribute the potential destruction of the world solely to CEOs of large corporations. Addressing global challenges requires collaborative efforts from governments, businesses, communities, and individuals working together towards sustainable solutions.