Friday, January 01, 2021

Books read in 2020

Not much blogging going on here still, but here's my annual list of books read for 2020.
  • Nicholson Baker, Baseless: My Search for Secrets in the Ruins of the Freedom of Information Act
  • John Bolton, The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir
  • Ben Buchanan, The Hacker and the State: Cyber Attacks and the New Normal of Geopolitics
  • Susannah Cahalan, The Great Pretender: The Undercover Mission That Changed Our Understanding of Madness
  • Michael Cohen, Disloyal: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump
  • Myke Cole, Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World
  • Libby Copeland, The Lost Family: How DNA Testing Is Upending Who We Are
  • Barton Gellman, Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the Surveillance State
  • Fiona Hill and Clifford G. Gaddy, Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (2012)
  • James W. Johnson, Arizona Politicians: The Noble and the Notorious (2002)
  • Gene Kim, The Unicorn Project: A Novel about Developers, Digital Disruption, and Thriving in the Age of Data
  • Maria Konnikova, The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win
  • Talia Lavin, Culture Warlords: My Journey Into the Dark Web of White Supremacy
  • Carol D. Leonnig and Philip Rucker, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump's Testing of America
  • Ben Macintyre, The Spy and the Traitor: The Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War (2018)
  • Nancy MacLean, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America (2017)
  • H. Keith Melton and Robert Wallace, with Henry R. Schlesinger, Spy Sites of New York City: A Guide to the Region's Secret History (2020)
  • Jefferson Morley, Morley v. CIA: My Unfinished JFK Investigation
  • Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier, The Panama Papers: Breaking the Story of How the Rich & Powerful Hide Their Money
  • Thomas RidActive Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare
  • Brad Smith and Carol Anne Browne, Tools and Weapons: The Promise and Peril of the Digital Age
  • Mary Trump, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man
  • Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton with Henry R. Schesinger, Spy Sites of Washington, DC: A Guide to the Capital Region's Secret History (2017)
  • Anna Wiener, Uncanny Valley: A Memoir
  • Isabel Wilkerson, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
    Top for 2020: Copeland, Macintyre, Cahalan, Smith and Browne, Buchanan, Obermayer and Obermaier, Gellman, Rid.

    I started the following books I expect to finish in 2021 (yes, I also said that about LeFeber and Wilson last year--I'm well in to LaFeber's book and thought I might finish before the end of the year, but had only read Wilson's intro so it's barely started):

    William Dalrymple, The Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire
    Walter LaFeber, Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America (2nd edition)
    Peter H. Wilson, The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe's History

    I've also pre-ordered and am looking forward to reading:

    Nicole Perlroth, This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends: The Cyberweapon Arms Race (due to be published on February 9)

    (Previously: 201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005.)

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