Sunday, August 04, 2024

Tips on using OpenBSD's pledge and unveil in perl scripts

 OpenBSD 5.9 (current as of this post is 7.5) introduced the "pledge" system call and 6.4 introduced the "unveil" system call, which together provide a means of more granular control of system access by processes running on the system to enforce least privilege.  When a program calls "pledge", it provides a list of categories of system calls (called "promises") that it is planning to make during the life of the running process (children have to make their own pledges and are not restricted), and attempts to make calls outside of those areas will cause the call to be blocked and the process to be killed. Additional calls to pledge cannot add new categories but it can remove them, so access can become more restrictive but not less restrictive.

  "Unveil," by contrast, selectively exposes parts of the file system, by file path, with specific access, and the rest of the file system is correspondingly "veiled" or blocked from access. Successive calls to unveil can expand or override previous ones, expanding access to the file system, adding write and create permissions where there was previously read only, but only until unveil is called with no arguments, which locks the current state in place. Further attempts to call unveil after that result in a violation.

Violations of pledges or attempts to access file paths that are not unveiled show up in process accounting logs for the process with the process flags "P" or "U", respectively.  (My "reportnew" log monitoring script knows how to monitor process accounting logs and can be easily set up to report on such violations.)

Perl scripts on OpenBSD can also use pledge and unveil, with two modules provided in the base operating system, "OpenBSD::Pledge" and "OpenBSD::Unveil".  I've been adding this functionality to several of my commonly used scripts and have learned a few tips that I'd like to share.


* Check your call to pledge for errors.  If you typo the name of a promise (category of system calls), or you provide pledge with a string of comma separated promises instead of an array or list, it will fail and nothing will be pledged.

* If you don't have any idea what promises are required, just use "error".  With the error promise, instead of blocking the system call and killing the process, the result is logged to /var/log/messages and you can see what promises are required.

* The "stdio" promise is always included with OpenBSD::Pledge, so you don't need to list it.

* The "unveil" promise is required if you intend to use OpenBSD::Unveil.

* Calls to exec or system require the "proc" and "exec" promises; the new processes created as a result are not restricted and need to make their own use of pledge and unveil.  (Note: this means that if you are calling a system command that writes to a file, but your script doesn't otherwise write to files, you do not need to pledge the "wpath" promise in your script.)

* If you otherwise fork a child process (e.g., explicitly using "fork" or Parallel::ForkManager or implicitly forking a child process using "open" to read from or write to a command), the promises pledged by the parent process are carried over to the child, which can then restrict them further. (Hat tip to Bryan Steele, who pointed this out on Bluesky without specifically referring to the Perl context.)

* If you use the DBI perl module with mariadb and are accessing a database through a named pipe on the same server, you'll need to pledge the "unix", "inet", and "prot_exec" promises. (This works even from a chroot jail if the named pipe or socket is a hard link from the jail.)

* This isn't a tip, but an observation: if you promise "proc" but not "exec," your system call will fail but your process will not be killed and the script will continue running.


* If you make use of other perl modules in your code with "use", they are loaded prior to your call to unveil and so you don't need to unveil directories like /usr/libdata/perl5 in order to use them. The exception is perl modules that include compiled shared objects (".so"), or which use "require" on other modules (loading them at runtime), in which case you do need unveil such directories, but only with "r" permission.

* If you use the DBI perl module with mariadb, you will need to unveil /var/run/mysql with "rw" and /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib with "rx".

* If you use calls to "system" or "open" which use pipes, globs, or file redirection, you need to unveil "/bin/sh" with "x" permission. You may be able to rewrite your code to avoid the requirement--can you call "system" with a command name and list of arguments rather than a string, and do any processing you need in your program instead of with the shell?

* If you use calls to "system" to execute system commands, you need to unveil them with "x" permission but in most cases you don't need to include "r".

* It is often much easier to unveil a directory rather than individual files; if you plan to check for the existence of a file and then create it if it doesn't exist, you need "rwc" on the containing directory.

* One of the biggest challenges sometimes is to find the source of an unveil violation; unveiling "/" with various permissions to see if it goes away, and then removing that and testing individual directories under the root directory in trial and error can help find things. That's how I first found the need to unveil "/bin/sh".

Finally, if you are writing perl modules it's helpful to document which promises need to be pledged and files and directories need to be unveiled in the calling scripts in order for them to function. It would be inappropriate to pledge or unveil within the module except in a context like a forked child process. I've done this with my wrapper for the OpenBSD "signify" command for signing and verifying files with detached signatures or gzip archives with embedded signatures in the gzip header comments.

If you've made use of pledge and unveil--in perl scripts or otherwise--what lessons have you learned?

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