Thursday, August 20, 2009

Skeptical Blog Anthology 2009 seeking nominations

From the Young Australian Skeptics:
Inspired by the annual The Open Laboratory, the Skeptical Blog Anthology is a printed anthology of blog posts voted the very best of 2009, managed by the Young Australian Skeptics in conjunction with the Critical Teaching Education Group (CTEG). The anthology is an attempt to bring a greater awareness of the skeptical content on blog sites and showcase some of the range and diversity in the blogosphere.

With an aim to provide text-​​based resources to classes and readers who may be interested or intrigued by what skepticism has to offer, entries from January 1st to December 1st 2009 are eligible for submission. Both a print and Portable Document Format (pdf) will be made available for purchase via Lulu​.com, with estimated printing early in 2010.

Entries can be self-​​nominated or proposed by readers of skeptical blog sites. The guidelines proposed by the popular Skeptics’ Circle are a fine indicator of the kind of content suitable for the anthology, including urban legends, the paranormal, quackery, pseudoscience, intelligent design, historical revisionism, critical thinking, skeptical parenting/​educating skeptically, superstitions, etc.
There's a submission form at the Young Aus Skeptics website.


  1. I nominated your blog, though it asked me to provide a specific post. Given the activity and well-researched nature of the post, I referenced your Zeitgeist review.

  2. Thanks! But unfortunately, that post doesn't fall in the required January 1-December 1, 2009 timeframe...

  3. Oops....with all of the activity on it lately, I assumed that it did. My mistake. I should have looked more closely.
