Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fourth stray dog of 2009

We found this dog--some kind of Spaniel?an Aussie sheepdog--at 20th St. and Euclid, where he appeared to be wanting to get into a mini-van with a group of mariachis. They just drove off and ignored him, so we stopped our dog walk to pick him up. He had a collar, no tags. This dog is a neutered male, unusual for the strays we find.

This could have been our seventh stray of 2009, but the pack of three dogs we saw running along the canal yesterday morning wouldn't let us near them.

UPDATE: We've been contacted in email by the owner; this dog's name is Woody and the owner will be going to pick him up at the pound.


  1. It's an Aussie sheepdog (actually an American breed). They're very variable, but I'm sure that's what it is. (We have one).

  2. Congratulations Woody! It's always nice to see a lost pet getting home.

  3. Happy that it's going to end OK.

    Was even contemplating taking him ... our 13 yr old is getting on and we should probably be transitioning for my daughter's sake.

  4. Way to go, Jim! I have always admired you and Kat's dedication to this sort of thing!
