Monday, April 07, 2008

"Truth Tickets" to "Expelled"

Alonzo Fyfe, the Atheist Ethicist, has come up with an interesting suggestion--rather than purchase a ticket to go see "Expelled," purchase a "truth ticket" by sending a contribution equal in value to a movie ticket ($10 is the suggested number) to the National Center for Science Education. (Click that link, and select "donation only.") Alonzo's sending 10 "truth tickets" worth of payment to the NCSE to promote good science.

I'll match him, and raise him 5 "truth tickets." Anyone else care to buy a few? Pass it on...

UPDATE (April 8, 2008): P.Z. Myers compares this idea to carbon offsets.

The Panda's Thumb has also reported on the idea.

UPDATE: BTW, if you must see the film in the theater (my wife and I rarely go to the movies anymore, since Netflix is so much more convenient, and I don't really have any interest in seeing this movie in any case), wait until after opening weekend. The "stupidity offset" for contributing to the opening weekend box office gross should probably be a much, much larger donation to the NCSE--better to make a smaller donation and see it the following week, if you must.


  1. What a great idea! I'm in. Be sure to pass this on to PZ.

  2. Do what I do when I want to see a movie but don't want any of my money passed on to the movie's makers.

    Go to a multiscreen theatre, buy a ticket for a movie other than the one I want to see starting at about the same time, and wander into the "wrong" theatre.

  3. I saw this blog and joined the NCSE. I have intended to that for a while now.

  4. Al: Thanks! I'm glad you've joined up!

  5. I posted this at my blog with the additional suggestion that if you know someone who is interested in seeing Expelled you propose an alternative viewing of the (available free on-line) award winning documentary from Nova - Judgement Day: Intelligent Design on Trial so that they can learn why IDCreationism deserves to be "expelled" from biology class.

  6. I was planning to wait until the movie was available for "free" rental via Blockbuster Access, but I ended up winning two tickets to see it. (If there's anyone in the Monterey, CA, area that would like to see it, let me know!) I plan on posting a review of the movie on my blog The Creation of an Evolutionist. In the meantime, I just might buy a Truth Ticket!

  7. Mike: Thanks for stopping by and mentioning your blog--I'm also a former young-earth creationist, like yourself. I also ended up abandoning Christianity and theism completely, though.

  8. Jim,

    Would love to hear/read about your journey. Are there any particular links to posts that detail the reasons behind abandoning theism?

  9. Mike: I haven't really blogged about that, or written anything besides my contribution to Ed Babinski's book, Leaving the Fold. The short answer is that I did a whole lot of reading, discussing, and debating, and ended up becoming a philosophy major and writing a pamphlet which alternated between the titles "Fundamentalism is Nonsense" and "Some Reasons Not To Be A Christian." It ended up sticking with the former title, and reaching 57 pages in length when I last touched it in 1986. Unfortunately, it no longer exists in electronic form, though a friend of mine was planning a project to OCR scan it.

  10. I've still got my hard copy - I think.
