Monday, October 02, 2006

Scientology-friendly Foley in rehab in Clearwater, Florida

It looks like ex-Congressman Foley has been a Scientology-friendly U.S. Representative, attending Scientology events at Scientology's Fort Harrison Hotel in Clearwater and having Clearwater Scientologists raise funds for him. Wonkette asks whether there are any non-Scientology-run rehabilitation centers in Clearwater, Florida, which appears to be where Foley is getting treatment.

Clearwater is the home of Narconon, Scientology's pseudo-scientific drug treatment program.

This doesn't necessarily mean that Foley is a Scientologist or has taken any Scientology courses, but it does demonstrate that he's shown poor judgment in multiple areas of his life. I've previously reported on a number of Arizona state legislators who have likewise shown poor judgment in accepting gifts from and sponsoring legislation from Scientology's Citizens Commission on Human Rights.


  1. Scientology may be a topic of debate because of its set of beliefs but we shouldn't judge them because they have the freedom to believe what they want to believe. As for the Narconon, I hear it's a good Florida alcohol rehab. As for the gifts, I agree with you Jim that officials should not receive any kind of bribe from any group. I think it is very unprofessional of them and that kind of act might lead to biased decisions.Nice post by the way! -kat

  2. I presume, then, that you also feel we shouldn't "judge" Nazis or white supremacists, either, since they also "have the freedom to believe what they want to believe"?
