Thursday, December 15, 2005

Summary of the Richard Sternberg saga

Daniel Morgan has put together a good summary of the facts and myths of the Richard Sternberg saga. Sternberg was the editor of The Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, the journal which published Stephen Meyer's paper on intelligent design ("The Origin of Biological Information and the Higher Taxonomic Categories").


  1. I appreciate the promo. I am going to be trying to find out just who those three reviewers of Meyer's paper were from the PBWS. I think with some smart reporting, I can pull it off. I hope to break the story. I have read some of your Biblical criticism and appreciate your scholarship.

  2. I'm excited, now...I know I've finally moved up in the world [snicker]: Witt responds to my Sternberg pieces via an "idthefuture" blog.
